Building News Applications
COMM 177T/277T (2019)

Final Project Story Planning

Day 15 ~ May 21, 2019

Final Project Presentations

Today we'll present our story ideas and sketches for the final project - an interactive D3 data visualization. See the story planning description for details on the requirements of the presentation. This is an opportunity to get constructive feedback on your story idea and interactive design, so please don't be bashful in seeking advice from your classmates.

Interactive graphic examples

If time allows, we'll review some examples of interactive graphics from the news industry. A number of these are mentioned in the final project write-up. These can be a source of inspiration for visual and interactive design -- whether or not they use D3 -- so take a few minutes to review at least a few examples.

Several NYT D3 examples are mentioned in the D3.js Quick Start Guide. Here are a few:

And some additional examples:

And here are two news organizations that provide extensive lists of their interactives:


There are no new graded assignments, but please begin implementing your story idea/visualization in D3. In the coming days, we'll continue leveling up on important aspects of D3 in class, but it's important to start wrestling with your own project code now to identify learning goals and technical challenges on the path to executing your project.

Check out the D3.js Quick Start Guide and Data Visualization with D3 Cookbook for inspiration on charting examples and technical explainers. These books provide a great overview of what's possible in D3, along with source code that illustrates key concepts.