Building News Applications
COMM 177T/277T (2019)

Hurricane Maria's Dead guest lecture & Website Design

Day 4 ~ April 11, 2019

Guest lecture

Youyou Zhou of Quartz will visit to give us the backstory on the creation of Hurricane Maria's Dead. This award-winning project was a year in the making and involved a large-scale collaboration between multiple news organizations, college students and volunteers.

Website Design


Web design is a big topic, one that has entire classes and books devoted to it. Professional designers use a wide range of strategies to design sites, including wireframes and pixel-perfect mockups. There are many tools used in the process, from wireframe software to full-featured design suites such as Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop.

For our class, we'll keep things simple and create hand-drawn sketches -- yes, on paper! -- in the spirit of this admittedly opinionated strategy. The goal is to focus on a basic sketch and then begin implementing the sketch using HTML & CSS. This process may require multiple rounds of sketch updates and implementation as we refine our ideas.

Keep in mind that the overarching goal for our class is to create a personal portfolio site showcasing your projects. When designing the site, try to put yourself in the shoes of a potential employer or colleague hoping to learn more about you and your work. Do you want to highlight your work by putting screengrabs of projects front and center on the home page? Or perhaps you want to make a stylistic statement on the home page, and point users to a projects page that lists all your work?

Get creative, but remember that you must also implement this design, so it's not a bad idea to start simple. If you need inspiration, feel free to poke around the Internet for portfolio site examples.

Collaborative Design

As part of this assignment, we'll begin learning how to use a Github project board to collaboratively plan and track work. Each person must pick a partner to serve as an "end user" to provide feedback on their design. You can have these conversations in person, on Slack, or in comments on Github tickets -- or all of the above. If you use Github, you must add the person as a collaborator on your repo.

Assignment 5

Level up on HTML/CSS

Read and work through chapters 1-5 of Learn to Code HTML & CSS. Even if you feel comfortable with HTML & CSS, you should skim through this material as we'll be applying page layout and styling strategies from this book (e.g. a CSS reset file).

Design sketches

We'll begin building our project site next week. But first, we of course have to design the site.
For this portion of the assignment, create 3-4 hand-drawn sketches for desktop browsers only. We'll add responsive design for smaller devices down the road.

Here are the precise requirements for the assignment: